Our Services

What do we do?

We work with you and your people to discover by doing, using tailored approaches to uplift their capability and your organisation's maturity.

Focusing on the right things that capture and generate value.   

Balanced to keep you good, but make you great. Aligned with related strategies and direction of business. Communicated effectively, consistently and clearly. Executable so that progress can be seen, managed, and motivating.  

Finding better ways to solve meaningful problems. 

From idea generation to delivery there are many components (8 in fact) that influence the ease, success, and speed of your innovation work. We shine a light on where you are doing great and hone in on the opportunities for growth.  

Helping teams and leaders to become growth generators. 

Innovation and growth involve change, courage, and action. Our programs meet your culture and your people where they are at, designing the best leadership and team programs that will give them insights, support, belonging, and direction, not just a textbook one-model approach. 

All of our work is underpinned by the 4R Innovation and Growth Framework.

4R Innovation and Growth Framework.

  • How might you continuously improve your core business whilst creating new growth opportunities short and long term?

  • How might you empower your people to think, act and behave in a way that creates aligned outcomes with ease, transparency, and fulfillment?

  • How might you build agility and effectiveness into your ways of working across Teams and Projects?

  • How might you link, leverage and measure the work at strategic, operational, and tactical levels?

Claire Quigley, Launchpad9's principal innovation coach, masterfully guides businesses through the ebb and flow of growth and change. Her approach transforms challenges into strategic opportunities, fostering a culture where continuous improvement is the norm. 

Launchpad9 partners with organisations and individuals who are committed to the mission. If you’re all in, so are we. 

Here’s how we help

We work SME Leaders

Harness strategies and tools to fortify your business's core, allowing you to shift your focus from day-to-day operations to broader business development. Regain control as your business, leaders, and staff navigate both immediate priorities and drive next wave growth.

We work with medium to large businesses

We can help you with clarity, collaboration, and creativity. Whether you require an actionable corporate innovation strategy, heatmap, bespoke consultancy session, culture stimulation or leadership programs to enrich diverse thinking - whatever you need to uplift your capacity and capability to innovate, change and grow. 

We work with government and industry

Enhance your stakeholder relationships and cultivate fresh thinking through proven innovation frameworks, unlocking new growth avenues and driving economic progress.

  • Programs

    Three step approach to engaging with our Programs:

    Step 1: Audit to find / frame the biggest gaps holding you back. This can range from a discovery workshop to a maturity assessment.

    Step 2: Design and Deliver a custom program to get you out of the weeds and moving forward with purpose.

    Step 3: 1:1 or group coaching to maintain momentum, accountability, and support.

  • Workshops

    Do you need to find better ways of prioritising, deciding, and doing?   

    Is your team struggling to align and collaborate effectively across the Business? 

    Are you or your people feeling stuck or spread too thin, getting nowhere fast?  

    Give your teams strong insights, clear direction, and actionable and practical tools to break through places they are feeling stuck, so they deliver great results while feeling supported. 

  • Coaching

    We engage with teams and individuals in a fun yet professional manner, uncovering each individuals’ strengths and growth edges to shape better outcomes for a more inclusive, sustainable, and high-performing organisation. 

    One-on-one and Group Coaching 

    A space for insights, direction, and clarity. 

    Build more collaboration and capacity into your organisation. 

    Create opportunities to operate at your full potential. 

    Coaching can be offered as a stand-alone piece of work or as part of our programs.

What People Are Saying

Claire's work is very thorough, very inclusive and has a broad range in its scope. The work for us was about commercialisation and improving the speed and efficiency to-market of great innovation. Claire has a great handle on this topic, you are certainly not going to get a business as usual report.

— Nik Wyman, Former Finance Director and Chief Financial Officer, Amp Control Group”

Claire is very practical and down-to-earth– there’s no spin – which was very refreshing. It has enabled us to work with a minimum of fuss. Claire has the ability to efficiently respond to briefs with engaging content, thoughtful delivery and empathetic openness. You won’t be disappointed.

— Siobhan Curran, Director, Entrepreneurship at The University of Newcastle I2N and Innovation, University of Newcastle